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Humidity measurements

Measuring instruments and technologies for the measurement of humidity in the production line or in the metrological laboratory. The humidity measurement can be carried out with sensors and measuring instruments specially designed for the measurement of humidity and / or temperature for the determination of the dew point.

Un humidity meter (also called thermohygrometer or hygrometer) measures the humidity of the air or the equilibrium humidity of the material in a safe, fast and precise way.

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Product categories for humidity measurement

Schaller paper moisture measure

Moisture meters

LMoisture measurement is a crucial aspect in several industrial sectors. In the paper industry it is essential to maintain humidity at a precise level in order to avoid quality problems. Humidity that is too high or too low can in fact cause the formation of moulds, alter the properties of the product or distort the weight and density values.

In food preservation sector humidity plays a fundamental role. Grains and seeds, for example, require specific humidity in order to be stored without running the risk of deteriorating. In this case, in addition to measuring humidity, temperature control is also necessary in order to preserve the quality of the food.

In wood and furniture sector humidity is a key variable to keep under control. Excessive humidity can cause damage to wooden structures, causing mold to form and thus making the wood less resistant and durable. At the same time, too low humidity can cause the wood itself to crack.

Finally, humidity is also measured in construction, in particular in the construction and renovation phases of buildings. Maintaining adequate humidity is essential to ensure the durability and resistance of structures and buildings. In this sector, special instruments for measuring humidity are used, such as hygrometers.

Contacts and advice

For more information or for an application consultancy you can contact:

Via Aldo Moro 15/A – Oglianico (TO) – Italy
Telephone : +39-0124-34301
Mail: info@roder.it
Systems and integration division website: http://www.roder.it

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